Are you a fan of Paganism? Or curious about the magic of the moon? Or just interested in how the moon affects our daily life and human lives? Either way, you’ll find something in this list of The Best Books about Moon Magic & Worship on Amazon.
Grandmother Moon: Lunar Magic in Our Lives–Spells, Rituals, Goddesses, Legends, and Emotions Unde: Zsuzsanna E. Budapest

Moon Magic: How to Use the Moon’s Phases to Inspire and Influence Your Relationships, Home Life, and Business: Lori Reid
The New Moon With the Old Moon in Her Arms: A True Story Assembled from Scholarly Hearsay: Ursule Molinaro
Everyday Moon Magic: Spells & Rituals for Abundant Living (Everyday Series): Dorothy Morrison
Lunaria Lunar Calendar: Vicki McDonald Leppek & Gail Sand, Vicki McDonald Leppek, Gail Sand
Lost Goddesses of Early Greece: A Collection of Pre-Hellenic Myths : Charlene Spretnak
Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Myth & Reality of the Triple Goddess: D.J. Conway
Light In Extension (Llewellyn’s Western Magick Historical Series) : Godwin
Dance of the Moon: Celebrating the Sacred Cycles of the Earth: Dan Furst
Praise to the Moon: Magic & Myth of the Lunar Cycle: Elen Hawke
Magick & Rituals of the Moon: Edain McCoy
Moon, moon: Anne Kent Rush
Magical Oils by Moonlight: Understand Essential Oils, Their Blends and Uses; Discover the Power of the Moon Phases; Learn the Meanings of Oils; Choose the Appropriate Day : Maya Heath
In the Light of the Moon: Thirteen Lunar Tales from Around the World Illuminating Life’s Mysteries: Carolyn McVickar Edwards
Moon Magick: Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells (Llewellyn’s Practical Magick): D.J. Conway
Lady of the Night: A Handbook of Moon Magick & Rituals (Llewellyn’s Modern Witchcraft): Edain McCoy
Moon Time: The Art of Harmony with Nature and Lunar Cycles: Johanna Paungger, Thomas Poppe
Power of the Moon: Using Wiccan Rituals, Magick and Moon Signs in Your Life: Teresa Moorey
Queen of the Night: Rediscovering the Celtic Moon Goddess: Sharynne MacLeod NicMhacha
Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want : Diane Ahlquist
Earthtime Moontime: Rediscovering the Sacred Lunar Year: Annette Hinshaw
Moonlore: Myths and Folklore from Around the World: Gwydion O’Hara
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Desert Wind: Kali Ma: Dances of Transformation
Kellianna: Lady Moon
Enjoy exploring more about the magic of our one and only moon. Be sure to explore other related posts below.